Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Challenges

Bulldogs Head to Clarkson with Stuff to Prove

Happy New Year! How happy is it? It isn’t December any more, and that should be a relief to UMD and Bulldog fans who went 1-3-1 in December 2010. Dylan Olsen is playing well at the World Juniors, well enough that he was signed by the Chicago Blackhawks December 31, thus ending his days at UMD. Darn that December! Wait, AMSOIL opened. Unfortunately it opened with a 5-0 drubbing at the hands of the Sioux.

Good news department. What was negative from the last game, the 5-0 loss, can be turned around in a hurry as UMD is currently getting ready to take on Clarkson. Game time less than three hours from this post.

Lets break from the usual notes and go with the HighHorse resolution list (or the list of resolutions that we feel must be made to make UMD a top team again).

Resolutions for the new year in the 2010-2011 season:

Stick with one goalie. At this point we feel that Crandall has proven himself as a capable backup, but the keys to the bus should be given to Reiter to do what he can. Bottom line is that goaltending is close to a train wreck, so let’s go with one guy. That should make Crandall hungry and have him step it up.

Break up the lines. Switch ‘em up and tinker. A team that has scored only six goal in their last four games needs some sort of shake up. It has been Sandelin’s mark that he moves lines around, but really has stayed hands off this year. Please, let’s get back to it.

Feel the fire and get consistent. This is a veteran team. Consistency should not be an issue, but it is. The team needs to make their own resolution to work hard and keep the effort up for a whole game.
Those are three resolutions that we believe the Bulldogs need. It all starts tonight in New York without Faulk (Juniors Tournament), Schmidt (injury), and Olsen (signed to the big leagues). It is time to step up and play the game.

We don’t have a prediction for this series. We will be interested to see how the team reacts to their nasty December and the defection of Olsen.

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